Course Syllabus will be adjusted according to participants
iWe will adjust the syllabus to match student interests. Students should be prepared to bring their own examples of dynamically varying phenomena for rhythmanalytic consideration.
( Zoom videos passcode: AME 531! )
Pre-read or pre-view items in red:
Marclay The Clock (to be viewed 12:04-12:07, and to be viewed 22:15-22:35)
Lightman Einsteins Dreams fiction
Nolan Memento film
Marker La Jetée film
Tarkovsky, Solaris film
0 Introduction (11 Jan 2021)
1 Time-based Media (25 Jan 2021)
2 Experience (1 Feb 2021, 8 Feb 2021, 15 Feb 2021)
3 Non-anthropocentric Experience (22 Feb 2021, 8 March 2021)
4 Media(tion)-based time (15 March 2021, 22 March 2021)
5 Textural time (29 March 2021: Rovelli + Serres, 29 March 2021: composing events )
6 Subjectivation and Event
Pre-read or pre-view items in red:
Marclay The Clock (to be viewed 12:04-12:07, and to be viewed 22:15-22:35)
Lightman Einsteins Dreams fiction
Nolan Memento film
Marker La Jetée film
Tarkovsky, Solaris film
0 Introduction (11 Jan 2021)
1 Time-based Media (25 Jan 2021)
- Michon, Pascal. From Rhuthmós to Rhythm (7th-4th centuries BC),
- Henri Lefebvrre. Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life. Introduction, Chapters 1, 2, 7, 8. ((1992) 2004)
- Examples include:
- Marclay The Clock (to be viewed 12:04-12:07, and to be viewed 22:15-22:35);
- Thomas Tallis, Spem in alium (hope in another), motet for 40 voices, (Janet Cardiff installation)
- Discuss modes of experience and articulation
2 Experience (1 Feb 2021, 8 Feb 2021, 15 Feb 2021)
- (Hayley, Shuai) Henri Bergson, Creative Evolution (1998 (1907)) ch1 Mechanism and Theology. ch4 Cinematographical Mechanism of Thought and the Mechanistic Illusion
- supplemental: Bergson, Duration and Simultaneity (1999 (1922)).
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (2013 (1945)). Phenomenology of Perception, tr. Donald Landes. "Temporality." (15 Feb 2021)
- Examples include:
- Krzysztof Kieslowski - Cinema Lession in Three Colors: Blue.
- Nolan Memento film (trailer, construction)
- Alan Lightman Einsteins Dreams novel (p 1-17, up to first Interlude) (15 Feb 2021)
3 Non-anthropocentric Experience (22 Feb 2021, 8 March 2021)
- Intro to time anisotropy
- Intro to General Relativity; novel introduction: A new way to visualize General Relativity.
- (Hong Li) Stuart Kauffman, (8 March 2021)
- 16:56 - end The Emergence and Evolution of Life. Why possible futures of evolutionary biology are not pre-statable, and therefore impossible to reduce to physics (or any equational form). (Full talk: Beyond Physics: The Origin and Evolution of Life, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery. )
- 19:30 - 24:00 in All the uses of a screwdriver is indefinite (and the human mind is not algorithmic!) (2016)
- The Re-Enchantment of Humanity (2012)
- Examples include:
- Chris Marker La Jetée;
- Andrei Tarkowsky Solaris
4 Media(tion)-based time (15 March 2021, 22 March 2021)
- Sha, Xin Wei (2009). "From Technologies of Representation to Technologies of Performance," Harvard.
- Maturana and (Derek) Francisco Varela, "On time as a dimension" (Appendix B3, p 133), and chapter 2 "dispensability of teleonomy," in Autopoiesis and Cognition.
- [(Felix, 15 March 2021): Whitehead, Process and Reality, actual occasion, prehension, concrescence, causal efficacy & presentational immediacy ]
- Examples include:
- (Jiqing) David Rokeby Seen,
- Stein + Khintirian + Sha Palimpsest time-lens
5 Textural time (29 March 2021: Rovelli + Serres, 29 March 2021: composing events )
- Introduction to thermodynamics
- (Huixian) Michel Serres, Genese, ch 1 "La belle noiseuse". (Birth of Physics)
- Sha, Xin Wei and Garrett L. Johnson. "Rhythm and Textural Temporality: Experience without Subject and Duration as Effect."
- Examples include:
- (Lauren) Ligeti Poéme Symphonique (11:48)
- (Jialong) Carlo Rovelli, time as an effect of dynamical processes of quantum gravity (video); past-future entropic anisotropy as an effect and hallmark of human consciousness (video)
6 Subjectivation and Event
- Sha, Xin Wei (2016). "Theater Without Organs: Co-Articulating Gesture and Substrate in Responsive Environments."
- Mechtley, Brandon, Todd Ingalls, Julian Stein,Connor Rawls & Sha Xin Wei (2019). "SC: A Modular Software Suite forComposing Continuously-EvolvingResponsive Environments."
- Examples include:
- Alan Lightman Einsteins Dreams novel
- Sha et al. Il y a membrane installation
- Khintirian, et al Serra Vegetal Life responsive environment
- Sha + Montanaro Einstein's Dream responsive environment
- Mechtley Becoming cloud responsive environment
This seminar accompanies a workshop on responsive environments, an abbreviated version of which may be offered in the Spring or Summer.